Katie Phillips Biography

Who is Katie Phillips? She is a wonderful, loving, caring, and passionate wife and mother of soon to be two children. A typical day for Katie is waking up around 6 am to tend to her daughter. Some duties comprise of getting a bottle ready for the baby, in which during that time is her window to prepare breakfast for herself, play for an hour, then feed the baby again, play more with the baby, and then put the baby down for a nap.

During the child’s rest, Katie has limited time to nap, cook, clean, or watch television. Upon the baby waking up, Katie will feed the child again, maybe run errands, and go for a walk if weather permits, then down for another nap. Katie then packs the baby up to drop off to her husband who will take over the night shift while she goes to work. Each day looks the same for Katie as she gives everything she has to her child; her days are consumed with selflessness.

Katie has a special talent with Gymnastics. She is passionate about gymnastics and has been in the sport for 27 years. She began gymnastics when she was 6 years old and has been involved ever since, from recreational classes through many years of competition and finally training as a level 10 gymnast. In 2003, she competed in Regionals, then Level 9 Nationals in Massachusetts. She has always carried a profound passion and love of gymnastics and wants to pass along her knowledge of the sport to future gymnasts. She has coached preschool/recreational classes to competitive teams such as USAG, JOGA, and Xcel since starting her career as a coach in 2006. The biggest joy for her is watching her students overcome challenges and progress to their full potential.

Gymnastics is a great baseline sport for all other sports as it helps to develop many senses that an individual need for those other sports. Gymnastics promotes a healthy lifestyle and builds physical strength, flexibility, and work ethic. Gymnastics teaches mental strength, by teaching the individual to be strong and pick themselves back up after every fall. Individuals will learn social skills by interacting with other teammates and listening to a coach’s feedback and applying that feedback.

Katie is a strong-minded individual, just like those individuals described that succeed in gymnastics. This attitude has turned gymnastics into a life-long career. She not only works hard at work but also at home. When she is home and not busy with her daughter, Katie enjoys spending time with her husband. Time can be limited with their different work schedules, watching a child, house chores, and schooling schedule, but they always seem to make time for each other over the weekends.

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Katie & Ernie